Ahmed Chebli is a United States citizen of Lebanese descent and father of two young children who lives in Dearborn. In 2018 FBI agents approached him, suggested that he knew people who were involved in terrorist activity, and demanded that he become a government informant against people in his community. Mr. Chebli had no such knowledge and refused to cooperate. He and his family were then placed on the TSA’s infamous “No Fly” list, and his exhaustive efforts to get off the list or even find out why he is on it were unsuccessful. In April 2021 the ACLU filed a lawsuit on Mr. Chebli’s behalf. Just ten days after we filed the lawsuit, the government removed Mr. Chebli from the list and admitted that there is no basis for him to be on the list. In May 2021 we voluntarily dismissed the lawsuit as moot. (Chebli v. Kable; National ACLU Attorneys Hina Shamsi, Sana Mayat, and Hugh Handeyside; ACLU of Michigan Attorney Dan Korobkin.)