Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy and the fundamental right upon which all our civil liberties rest. The ACLU works to protect and expand Americansʼ freedom to vote.
Through litigation and advocacy, the ACLU is fighting back against attempts to curtail an essential right in our democracy, the right to vote. In 2018, we successfully made strides to modernize the state’s voting system through passage of Proposal 3, a historic expansion of voting rights that made access to the ballot easier and more secure for millions of citizens. In 2022, we were part of the Promote the Vote coalition, which successfully passed Proposal 2 - a follow-up to the success of 2018 that once again put key voting rights directly in the Michigan Constitution.
If you have a problem voting, try calling your city or township clerk or the Michigan Bureau of Elections: (800) 292-5973. You can also report the issue to the ACLU of Michigan: email votingrights@aclumich.org or call (313) 578-6800.