Past Events

Smart Justice Week of Action

RSVP to attend the ACLU-MI Smart Justice Week of Action
(Hosted by: ACLU of Michigan)

Michigan’s pretrial and bail system is badly broken. On any given day, over half of the state’s jail population is locked behind bars because they can’t afford to pay for their freedom.

June 7, 2021 to
June 12, 2021

On the Ground and Getting it Done: Volunteer Team Building with ACLU Michigan

ACLU of Michigan volunteers are central to advancing civil rights and civil liberties in Michigan. We are committed to supporting engaged volunteer teams across the state that will defend and protect the rights of Michiganders in the communities where you live and work.

February 24, 2021 to
February 25, 2021

People Power Tour: Berrien County

You are invited to discuss the civil rights issues that matter to you in your neighborhood and to build power and organize in Oakland County.

October 6, 2020

Oakland County Prosecutor Candidates Forum

Join the ACLU of Michigan, MI Liberation and the Working Families Party for a forum for Oakland County prosecutor candidates. The event will take place on June 18 at 6 p.m. ET online, and will be hosted by Judge Debra Nance.

June 18, 2020 to
June 19, 2020

People Power Tour: Jackson

The ACLU People Power Tour: Jackson will take place May 12 at 6PM. This virtual event is being hosted in collaboration with Nation Outside -- Jackson Chapter.

May 12, 2020 to
May 13, 2020

People Power Tour: Jackson *POSTPONED*

UPDATE 3/13/20: This event has been postponed until further notice due to precautions regarding COVID-19. Please check back for updates.

April 11, 2020 to
April 12, 2020